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Documentaries That Changed The World Series
The Quiet Mutiny

John Pilger reveals the shifting morale and open rebellion of Western troops serving in Vietnam.

A printer-friendly version of this page 27 minutes
Directed by Charles Denton
Produced by Jeremy Wallington
Camera: George Jesse Turner
Sound: Alan Bale
Editor: Gerry Dow
Reporter: John Pilger
An ATV Network Limited Production

NOTE TO ACTIVIST GROUPS: We are making this video available at a special price of $59 to activist groups. Please order under our Activists' Page. This gives you the right to show the film in public as long as no admission fee is charged.

In this, the first of his 58 documentary films, John Pilger combines candid interviews and amazing frontline footage of Vietnam to portray a growing rift between the US military bureaucrats - "lifers" - and the soldiers who physically and mentally fight the war on the ground, the "grunts". By 1970, it is an internal sense of disillusionment and frustration born from this rift that is triggering the withdrawal of US forces from Vietnam.

As the US employs psychological warfare against its enemy, Pilger finds himself unable to glean significant information from the military; a press conference he attends is nicknamed "the 5 o'clock follies" for the evasive nature of the proceedings. And so it is with the grunts, the "wheels of the green machine", that Pilger finds a very human side to the US presence in Vietnam: soldiers who are at once ready to serve their country and doubtful of their purpose there. Plied with visits from Miss America and ignored by Vice President Spiro Agnew, they experience the war in a way many of their superiors do not.

Filmed at Camp Snuffy in 1970, THE QUIET MUTINY presents a character study of the common soldier during the Vietnam War, revealing for the first time the shifting morale and open rebellion of Western troops.

Other titles in the series are:

Death Of A Nation - John Pilger's horrifying exposé of the West's complicity in the twenty-year genocide in East Timor.

Do You Remember Vietnam? - Three years after the fall of Saigon, Pilger returns to Vietnam to examine the state of the country.

Year Zero: The Silent Death of Cambodia - John Pilger alerts the world to the bloody reign of Pol Pot in Cambodia.

Grade Level: 10-12, College, Adult
US Release Date: 2006     Copyright Date: 1970
DVD ISBN: 1-59458-409-5     VHS ISBN: 1-59458-408-7

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DVDs include public performance rights.

American Studies
Asian Studies
Conflict Resolution
Foreign Policy

Global Issues
Social Psychology
War and Peace

Related Titles

Sir! No Sir!
The untold story of the GI movement to end the war in Vietnam.

The Good War and Those Who Refused to Fight It
The story of conscientious objectors in World War II.

Deadly Mistakes?
A 2-DVD set designed to help students critically analyze some of our foreign policy interventions since World War II.

In Whose Interest?
A revealing critique of US foreign policy since World War II.

The Friendship Village
An international group of veterans builds a village in Vietnam for children with Agent Orange-related deformities.

The terrible aftermath of dropping cluster bombs during the secret air war in Laos and the international campaign to ban them.

My Hanoi
Tour of rapidly urbanizing Hanoi, and the effect on citizens and culture.

A Dream In Hanoi
Two theater companies, one American, one Vietnamese, collaborate to produce A Midsummer Night's Dream in Hanoi.

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