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Bullfrog Films

is a leading source of educational films — DVDs & Streaming — on environmental and related social justice issues, including:

  Climate Change
  Social Justice
  Developing World
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  Children's Films
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An Independent Voice

Over the last 50 years, Bullfrog Films has become the leading US publisher of independently-produced documentaries on environmental and related social justice issues that point the way to living healthily, happily, and with greater concern for the other inhabitants of this planet, and for our descendants.

More options!

With more possibilities for delivery and a changing customer base, Bullfrog Films has created a new online cart to meet the different needs of our customers!
Besides DVD sales and rentals, we now offer a DSL option. We've included easy access to Docuseek for educational streaming, and Bullfrog Communities for community screenings.

We've also adjusted our prices to match your institution or group and made it easier to order with a pull down menu. Check out our reduced prices for community colleges, public libraries and community groups.

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Streaming and Screenings

Docuseek is the premier academic streaming source for social-issue and environmental documentaries.
Bullfrog Communities is the community and campus-wide screening program of Bullfrog Films.
OVID is a curated streaming destination for home viewing of documentaries and art house films.

Online Previews

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Featured Releases

Power to Heal POWER TO HEAL: Medicare and the Civil Rights Revolution View Trailer
The untold story of how the twin struggles for racial justice and healthcare intersected: creating Medicare and desegregating thousands of hospitals at the same time.
The True Cost THE TRUE COST View Trailer
Groundbreaking investigation of fast fashion reveals that while the price of clothing has been decreasing for decades the human and environmental costs have grown dramatically.
Amá AMA View Trailer
The untold story of the involuntary sterilization of Native American women by the Indian Health Service well into the 1970s.
The Providers THE PROVIDERS View Trailer
Three healthcare providers bring care to a rural American community, showing the transformative power of providers' relationships with marginalized patients.
John Lewis: Get In The Way JOHN LEWIS: Get In The Way View Trailer
The first major documentary biography of civil rights hero, congressional leader and champion for human rights, whose unwavering fight for justice spanned over fifty years.
Cooked COOKED: Survival by Zip Code View Trailer
Judith Helfand's searing investigation into the politics of "disaster" by way of the deadly 1995 Chicago heat wave.
The Third Harmony THE THIRD HARMONY: Nonviolence and the New Story of Human Nature View Trailer
Tells the story of nonviolence, the greatest overlooked resource in human experience.

Newest Releases

Click here for a PDF of our newest releases.

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HERD     View Trailer
Equal parts rumination, observation and meditation, HERD challenges us to think differently about our fellow living animal beings.

An intimate look at lambic beer and three of its most revered brewers and blenders as they each navigate the growing demands of consumers today.

A history — going back to the Ice Age — of maritime adapted cultures of the North Atlantic Rim.

WAR FOR THE WOODS    View Trailer
30 years after the original protests, journalist Stephanie Kwetásel'wet Wood travels to Clayoquot Sound, BC to find out whether Indigenous and environmentalist protesters won the battle but lost the war for old growth forests.

BEETHOVEN'S NINE: Ode to Humanity    View Trailer
A deeply personal exploration of the legacy and resonance today of Beethoven's 200-year-old Ninth Symphony.

WHERE I BECAME    View Trailer
Traces the story of 14 women who left apartheid in South Africa to attend Smith College in the U.S.

A WITCH STORY    View Trailer
Deconstructs the Salem Witch Trials of 1692 in order to reveal their connection to contemporary witch hunts and examine women's struggles through a feminist lens.

CITIZEN GEORGE    View Trailer
Presents the life and work of 86-year-old Quaker activist George Lakey, a non-violent revolutionary who has worked his entire life for justice and peace.

Centered on the legacy of Cuba's national hero, poet José Martí, this film goes to the heart of the Cuban people's enduring struggles for freedom and dignity.

PROJECT Q: War, Peace, and Quantum Mechanics    View Trailer
Investigates the geopolitical and societal implications of quantum innovation in computing, communications and artificial intelligence.

WATER FOR LIFE    View Trailer
Explores the collision of water rights, Indigenous beliefs, and resource extraction through the lives of three Latin American community leaders. The right to clean water is a global issue—in Latin America it has become a matter of life and death.

A RISING TIDE    View Trailer
An in-depth look at the impacts of homelessness on Black children and their families.

VIRULENT: THE VACCINE WAR - Turning the Tide on Vaccine Hesitancy    View Trailer
Examines the consequences of vaccine hesitancy and denial.

WHERE CAN WE LIVE IN PEACE? The Migrant Crisis    View Trailer
The moving and inspirational story of the ABBA migrant shelter in Celaya, Mexico, where Pastor Ignacio helps thousands of migrants.

CORAL GARDENERS: Regrowing Reefs in the Maldives     View Trailer
Follows a novel experiment in the Maldives to regrow coral reefs, which offer protection, food and income.

A search for the true headwaters of plastic entering the ocean finds more than it bargained for.

WRITTEN ON THE LANDSCAPE: Mysteries Beyond Chaco Canyon    View Trailer
The Ancestral Puebloan culture's complex astronomy reveals a legacy of scientific observation and a spiritual tradition, with its powerful impact on the American Southwest.

FIXING FOOD 2     View Trailer
Looks at changes being made to the ways we produce and consume our food: inventing an entirely new way of producing food, learning from Indigenous food sources, and reimagining agriculture.

BREAD BIKE     View Trailer
Sam, Matt and Mariah are three energetic young people on California's central coast, unfulfilled by what they studied in college, but, with a passion for dough...the bread kind!

URANIUM DERBY     View Trailer
A filmmaker discovers that her hometown of Ames, IA, was secretly involved in the Manhattan Project.

s-yéwyáw AWAKEN     View Trailer
Stories of hope and homecoming intersect as Indigenous multimedia changemakers learn and document the teachings of their Elders.

WROUGHT     View Trailer
What can the slimy, putrid, multi-species world of rot teach us about ourselves?

SAVING MINDS    View Trailer
Two people attempt to reclaim their lives after long struggles with mental illness, while a group of leading professionals rethinks the current drug-based model of psychiatric care.

The 1954 fight for school desegregation led by a handful of Ohio mothers and children.

BEYOND BEING SILENCED: Gyaa Isdlaa    View Trailer
The Haida Potlatch. Once forbidden. Not anymore...

ECOSOPHIA: Ecological Wisdom    View Trailer
Some of the wisest ecological minds come together for an honest appraisal of our civilization without greenwash.

THE OIL MACHINE    View Trailer
Our economic, historical and emotional entanglement with oil gets ever more complex as we hurtle towards climate catastrophe. Can we break our addiction?

A journey to Grand Teton NP with geophilosopher David Abram to explore how the written word and technology have affected how we see the more-than-human world.

Documents the last four years of the filmmaker's life-partner, outspoken lesbian, artist and theater director, Nancy Diuguid's life, as she fought breast cancer.

WORKS FOR ALL: Cincinnati's Co-op Economy     View Trailer
Since 2011 Co-op Cincy has been building an inspiring network of worker-owned cooperatives in Cincinnati to create a regional economy that works for all.

MEDDLE    View Trailer
Acclaimed Haida Manga artist, Michael Nicoll Yahgulanaas, pushes the boundaries of the art world by challenging the divide between contemporary and so-called "Native Art".

How to cool the planet, feed the world, and live happily ever after.

RUNNER    View Trailer
Examines Guor Mading Maker's difficult yet triumphant journey from refugee to world-renowned athlete.

WINDSHIPPED    View Trailer
Sail freight comes to the 21st Century.

Ride along with two activists from the Environmental Protection Agency of Kuala Langat, Malaysia, in search of illegal plastics recycling facilities.

Tells the story of the incredible, recently discovered, world's largest cave passage and the opportunity and challenges it presents to the small, impoverished Vietnamese community nearby.

FIGHT LIKE HELL: The Testimony of Mother Jones     View Trailer
Mother Jones, a fiery orator and fearless organizer for workers' rights, known as "the protector of children," and "the miners' angel," in a riveting performance by Lee.

EVER GREEN     View Trailer
How a small organization mobilized their island community to protect forests, farmlands, and shorelines from development in order to preserve a healthy rural way of life.

ithaka    View Trailer
The campaign to free Julian Assange takes on intimate dimensions in this portrait of a father's fight to save his son.

STEWART UDALL: The Politics of Beauty     View Trailer
A biographical film about Stewart Udall, one of America's most effective environmentalists, told through the battles he fought as Interior Secretary defending America's wild beauty.

Looks at the decline of horseshoe crabs and the crash of the red knot that depends on horseshoe crab eggs for sustenance during migration, and suggests possible solutions.

AUGUST PACE: 1989-2019    View Trailer
30 years after the premiere of Merce Cunningham's August Pace, this film records the passing-on of an iconic work from the original performers to a new generation of dancers.

TRUTH TELLERS: Robert Shetterly's Odyssey to Defend Our Democratic Ideals     View Trailer
Chronicles the lives of Americans fighting for peace, racial equity, environmental justice and indigenous rights through the eyes of Robert Shetterly, a long time activist and artist.

In-depth exploration of Community High School in Ann Arbor, MI, one of the sole survivors from America's early 70s "free schools" movement, now a thriving public school.

TOWN DESTROYER    View Trailer
A high profile battle erupts over images of African American slaves and Native Americans in New Deal-era murals at a San Francisco high school.

FIXING FOOD    View Trailer
Our food has a huge carbon footprint. FIXING FOOD tells five stories of creative new ways to lower the cost.

More than 50 years after the US dropped billions of tons of explosives on Laos, 1/3 of the surface area is still contaminated by UXO which kills Laotians daily. This is a film about responsibility.

IN OUR OWN HANDS    View Trailer
Follows the extraordinary steps ordinary people are taking to help millions with chronic diseases find their way back to health.

GYAANGEE    View Trailer
Famed Haida artist Robert Davidson carves his latest monumental totem pole and gives a rare insight into the deeper meanings of North Coast Indigenous art works.

The extraordinary story of the Reuther brothers who challenged the automobile industry, and helped build the union movement that remade America.

An eccentric Russian scientist's quixotic quest to recreate a vanished ice age ecosystem and save the world from a catastrophic global warming feedback loop.

REFLECTION: a walk with water     View Trailer
Filmmaker Emmett Brennan walks the length of the Los Angeles aqueduct in search of a vision for humanity worth living for - what he discovers has everything to do with water.

BLOWBACK: The 9/11 Wars in Global Film     View Trailer
Using films about the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan as examples, BLOWBACK explores how movies shape our understanding of the wars that are fought in our name.

Alan Magee: art is not a solace    View Trailer
Portrait of brilliant artist Alan Magee who dares to explore the darker aspects of human nature and behavior while also celebrating the beauty he finds in the natural world.

Frenemies: Cuba and the U.S. Embargo    View Trailer
Presents a balanced portrait of Cuban life today and a compelling argument for why the US should lift the devastating 60-year embargo.

Meat the Future    View Trailer
Follows Dr. Uma Valeti, co-founder of leading "cultivated" meat startup Upside Foods, as he and his team develop a game-changing solution to a global, unsustainable hunger for meat.

Aware: Glimpses of Consciousness    View Trailer
AWARE explores boundary-pushing research in the understanding of consciousness.

Thirst for Justice    View Trailer
Focuses on three battles for clean water—on the Navajo Reservation, in Flint MI, and at Standing Rock—united in the belief that Water Is Life.

Unguarded    View Trailer
UNGUARDED takes us inside the walls of APAC, the revolutionary Brazilian prison system centered on the full recovery and rehabilitation of the person.

The Dirty War on the National Health Service    View Trailer
John Pilger reveals how privatization has gradually infected the UK's NHS, threatening the world's first universal public health service and the exemplary values of its constitution.

A Reckoning in Boston    View Trailer
In prosperous and progressive Boston, what keeps the gap between rich and poor, white and Black, so glaringly wide?

The Boys Who Said NO! Draft Resistance and The Vietnam War    View Trailer
Inspired by Black America's crusade for equal rights, young Americans choose to resist the Vietnam War, and openly refuse military service, risking prison to end the horrors of war.

Into The Night: Portraits of Life and Death     View Trailer
2-DVD set features intimate, provocative stories of men and women forever changed by their encounters with mortality.

A Crime on the Bayou     View Trailer
Two young men—Gary Duncan, an unjustly arrested Black man and Richard Sobol, his Jewish attorney—take Duncan's case to the Supreme Court to fight for the right of all Americans to a fair trial.

Crutch    View Trailer
Chronicles the gravity defying life of Bill Shannon, an internationally renowned artist, breakdancer and skate punk—on crutches.

Blind Trust: Leaders & Followers in Times of Crisis    View Trailer
Examines the lifetime work of Nobel Peace Prize nominee Vamik Volkan, a psychiatrist who brings enemy groups together for dialogue in traumatized areas of the globe.

Meltdown In Dixie    View Trailer
In Orangeburg, SC, a battle erupts between the Sons of Confederate Veterans and an ice cream shop owner forced to fly the Confederate flag in his parking lot.

Nature's Cleanup Crew    View Trailer
Examines the lives of the busy scavengers who live among us in our cities, recycling the mountains of waste our consumer society leaves behind.

The Shadow of Gold    View Trailer
An unflinching look at how the world's favorite heavy metal is extracted from the earth.

The Emoji Story    View Trailer
Explores the complex, conflict-prone, and often hilarious world of the creators, lovers, and arbiters of emoji, our world's newest pictorial language.

The Divided Brain     View Trailer
Explores Iain McGilchrist's pioneering exploration of the differences between the brain's right and left hemispheres and their effects on society, history, and culture.

Entangled     View Trailer
How climate change has accelerated a collision between one of the world's most endangered species, N. America's most valuable fishery, and a federal agency mandated to protect both.

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